My favorite movie

Actually, I’m more of a drama movie person, but right now my favorite movie is the last one I saw, Lalaland.
I like this movie because shows a “love story” where the protagonists, two artists (Mia and Sebastian) despite the love they have for each other, they want to follow their dreams.
What I found more interesting is that everything has a meaning, literally everything! 
The first thing one can realize is that the seasons of the year go according to the relationship between them. The colors also have so many theories about what they mean and why are they using them in specific scenes, like what blue means, some people think it’s related to creativity or confidence, and why Mia (Emma Stone) uses yellow only in the beginning, etc.
And of course, the music! in my point of view, is easy-going and expresses so well how are they feeling, even sometimes the movie doesn’t have so much dialogue only instrumental music, but it’s so touching! I dare to say If you only listen to the soundtrack, you already feel the emotional rollercoaster that the film is.
Something that is so interesting to know is that Ryan Gosling (Sebastian) learns to play the piano just in three months (which is very difficult!) because his character plays it and he doesn’t want a double. 

I love the end of the movie because doesn’t have a typical ending and made it much more realistic to me.
I definitely recommend it, but you might not like the movie if you don’t like musicals.

La La Land – Rio Theatre


  1. Hi, I agree with you Lalaland is such a good movie, I also love because of how this movie tell a history, as you said a lot of scenes don't have a dialogue but the soundtrack make a deeper message, I watched this movie because of the famous lovely night scene, I think this movie deserves all its Oscars.


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