My future job

Hello everyone! Well, It’s my first year studying chemistry and pharmacy, since I haven’t had many opportunities to talk with professors who could guide me, I’m not very sure in what area will be focusing on my future job. But if I have to say something, it is the clinical pharmacy that calls my attention (until now). 

I think that, although we don’t have permanent and direct contact with patients, I like the idea of work sharing with people that have different knowledge or can see the situation from another point of view, so that way we can find the best medical treatment for the patient always hoping the best to them. I also like the thought of developing educational activities for the people, I believe that it’s so important to share the knowledge that one has with others.

About the salary, I just hope allows me to be economically stable, that’s all.

I know that my future job probably will be indoors and I don’t care so much about it. Nevertheless, I would like to do a major, especially in another country so I could get to know a different culture, then, if a have the chance, of course I will take it the opportunity!! however, at this moment I still don’t think about which theme I would take.


  1. I agree with you that the clinical pharmacy sounds very interesting!! And do a major in another country is a good idea, I hope you can do it!!

  2. Hi! the clinical pharmacy is great! although tha area is something that we can decide calmly yet haha


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